
No kidding. That was unseemly and I'm surprised to see it on this site.

Far as I know, the only connection between the Oi! movement and neo-nazis is that some neo-nazis like Oi! There was an album cover that caused controversy when the guy in the picture turned out to be an organizer with the British Movement, and the pressing was discontinued once the blunder came to light, but the

I think part of their strategy for not getting this show cancelled right away involved disguising it as a variation on the police procedural. It was a smart move, but meant we had to wait a bit for things to get weird. I didn't even notice the show until it was in season 3, and I'm hooked.

Set in an alternate universe where a kid actually wants clowns at his birthday party.

We'll always have treachery though.

For her part I kind of get it; she put the mask on and she stopped giving a fuck. I had a buddy who used to put on a gorilla suit and walk around and it seemed very therapeutic (also unbearably hot, but not my problem). As for the Internet, it wants what it wants and you just gotta duck and cover sometimes

Tough year to be famous I guess.

Neither Pugs Nor Drugs

It's not enough that it gets them killed; it's only a Darwinian effect if potential mates punish the behavior by not mating with those who practise it.

Anyway, it's not like the sauce here could get any worse, or any sweeter.

Infectious Lass or GTFO.

I would if I had a job. Or a dildo.

From his smug tone last week I gathered Duko mostly knows how deep Art has gotten.

Is my subtlety detector purring? Oh, that's just my phone.

For me it's rendering normal words meaningless by putting the word "social" in front of them.

Somehow they got veteran stage actor Al Pia to appear in the first movie, but they didn't give him much to do.

He has got to play Genesis P Orridge one of these days.

He definitely hated Israel, which is different. It's hard to tell exactly, both because people tend to remember the quotes that support their idea of him, and because he had a very childish way of lashing out when upset. Definitely the Israeli invasion of Lebanon had a deep impact on him and prompted some ugly

The opposite. It shows that even as coldly scientific as she has resolved to be, she's still human enough to need contact. It is also more than a little hamfisted, but it lets us imagine how lonely her years of hiding would have been.

Not that the scene really worked for me, but I see two reasons for it. First it illustrates the Neos' sense of being above social norms, and second it shows that she is not as dispassionate as she thinks she is.