
They might at least have taken advantage of the connection to plant a tracker on her. If so they have the location of the safehouse. She needn't necessarily be aware of any of it.

I think the worm gene expression is supposed to be how Whatsisface got his tail. This demonstration of capability was a good way to recruit test subjects from the young cool set without revealing any big secrets.

Donnie and Fe went to the clinic on Clone business because pregnant Neo woman mentioned to Allison that Beth had gone there. It may be what Beth learned there was the last straw for her.

I thought that was a tone-deaf reading as well. They aren't painting her as a monster, but humanizing her a little. We know the Neos consider themselves above conventional mores, not that we needed it spelled out for us, but even they can't help getting emotionally involved. It has repeatedly complicated the

At least she Eldar attention for a minute.

Or maybe fewer fucking princesses.

I remember hearing they were planning something like that in Anchorage; not huge, but with integral grocery and restaurant business and some degree of income level spread. It reminds me slightly of Brasilia.

Abyss in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It's not the difficulty - dcss has plenty of that - but the fact you can be sent there at almost any time, regardless of experience level. You build up a character so his skills are actually borderline usable, find a few items you can survive with, then you meet an enemy with

I don't know if I want to live in a world where Gene Simmons gets invited to a meeting between Diana Ross and Prince.

Can you crank that shit out anonymously while also doing the kind of work you want your name attached to? I've done a lot of work I objected to, but being asked to leave a bunch of garbage on the internet with your name on it would feel very invasive. It should be possible to look at this stuff and laugh, and not be

An act of extraordinary spitefulness would be just as good. I'm keeping my options open.

"Sorry, I was looking for Willie Nelson."

Stay cool, Murray!

Even more interesting is the fact that no one is sure who called them "vikings" and why.

That's just mold. Scrape it off.

I doubt the German fighters really wore them either. It's pretty obvious they would either catch an overhead blow which might otherwise have glanced off, or else allow a sideways blow to knock the helmet off. I think the idea comes from ceremonial helms. There is a famous one found inside a burial ship (maybe the

Now maybe Xcapist would like to do something with a little book called the Wheel of Time

Stop trying to make George R R Martin feel better, AVC. George, get the fucking lead out.

I think he expanded the Hobbit to fit into his new world. The story evolved from a more generic one he used to tell to his son, with most of the names taken from the Nordic Eddas.

No, I'm kidding. That name comes from an old Ren and Stimpy show-within-a-show called "Ask Dr Stupid." There are a lot of references to it online, but you won't find it on Google Maps.