
It used to be called Bent Armpit, but they shortened it because people kept getting it confused with Bent Armpit Wyoming.

"Don't cry, Homestar. I can make it on my own!"

I remember his Arabesque from Star Hustler on PBS.

I'm sure he'll be Bustin Loose from his other obligations before too long.

Guy must have been giggling through his nose when they cast Winona Ryder.

WV also has a Miami, immortalized by Hasil Adkins.

No argument there, but he knows as well as anyone that comedy is hit or miss, so it's weird that he should bother to call out an experienced comedian as not funny. I definitely prefer to remember Pesci for My cousin Vinny etc.

Says the guy who was in Gone Fishin'.

How will Tommen die? Young, that's how.

It is mostly, but there are some Irish there. I used to know a guy from CB who you would have sworn was East Newfoundlander.

Probably saves a bunch of time to know early if it's not viable.

Some have it in Cape Breton too.

The Internet is a harsh mistress.


"I eat to forget."

That's kind of a running theme with the old great jazz instrumentals. Ever heard the words to Satin Doll? Ghastly.

Traditionally known as weavers; yeah, I used to be.

His society is clearly in the pre-Sugar stages.

Humility and self-hatred are adjacent feelings, but only one of them is useful.

Cicada be upset