
I don't understand your word things.

He's definitely wrong about one thing, because Evil Rick was wrong about it too. Our Rick is not 2 steps from Evil Rick; that Rick is dead and buried in the backyard. Our Rick took his place. Our Rick is probably the weirdo in the middle.

I had that Blondie album for a while and Fan Mail is a different song. I might even have bought the record just to hear if it was the same.

It was Lords of Chaos that broke me. I wasn't strong enough.

Whoa, you are a trooper. I was listening to recorded books while sitting at the loom or cleaning the bathroom and I never made it through 4. It's too bad, because there were some threads I wanted to follow to see where they went.

I got to see the Dickies in Boston about 20 years a go, with GWAR opening. Excellent show all round, and a play of See Me, Feel Me that I preferred to the Who original.

I used to have a Best Of tape of the Dickies with that on it. Probably half the album was covers, which was weird, but it still kicked ass.

From my music studies I had never got the impression that neumes were some kind of "now-baffling code" so much as basic guidance for singers who already knew what they were doing. It's pretty intuitive, and I think most early music scholars could transcribe what the woman is singing into neumes on the first listen.

I'm glad Kevin Eldon is getting fun character work. His solo show is awful but he was fucking wonderful in Hyperdrive.

Needs more Herzog.

Maybe he's a mad geographer. He's mad because IDRISI is so expensive.

I prefer the Beatle Barkers

It's been ages since I cared about fitting in. I have a small group of people (scattered around the world by now) who more or less understand me, but the number is getting smaller, not larger. I taught myself to interact in various social settings, pushed myself into situations where I'm forced to interact, and

Just remember that your hormone treatments, which you may be thinking of as a qualitative change, are the result of quantitative decisions your doctor made towards a desired result. If your treatment is affecting you in ways you find unacceptable, ask the doctor if it can be tweaked to eliminate this side effect.

If I didn't have a spouse or child, I might not care what my army of lawyers did with my unholy buckets of wealth after I was gone.

I'm only dreaming… of brains

A day in the Unlife

If you got your reading glasses on. Geez, since when do the Blind Boys rank that far down the page?

My wind-down used to be painting figurines and tying flies, but I don't really do any gaming or fishing any more. I do get a bit of the same type of satisfaction from sewing up holes in my trousers though.

Requiem For a Dream