
My Year of Faps

Sick abed this weekend, so it's time for another Youtube marathon of Kozure Okami.

I could have turkey soup every day and never get bored, as long as I make it myself.

On the upside you've got affordable turkey in the States. I took it for granted until I left.

Except for that night when the Sox won. Anyway it used to be worse. it had a decent artist community when I was there, and good parties happened, and it was about equidistant from all of New England's best fishing spots. Ok, it would have been worse without a car.

Having said that, Worcester turned out pretty well all things considered. My spouse's PhD program was full of good people from all over the world, I learned tilesetting and had a weaving studio that cost 125 bucks a month, and just being there convinced my sweetheart that I was for real. But this stuff is not to be

It has to go both ways though. I have followed my spouse to a lot pf places (Worcester MA for fucksake), but since we married and reproduced I have had veto power over certain job listings, barring utmost need. Sorry Morgantown.

When I'm really down I can only justify my existence by focusing on things that must get done, even if I can't concentrate properly. It will go at a snail's pace but my stubborn refusal to let it slide will usually get me through it. I do want to disappear into a game or a show, but doing that just intensifies the


You are seeing this through Roseanne-colored glasses.

Don't get your feathers Ruffaloed.

Your medievalist act is just a shawm.

Sam and Dean are getting a bit long in the tooth as well.

Perhaps they meant "fine" in the sense of extremely thin.

Why does this loaf of bread keep grabbing my glasses?


I just gave my account number to the moving company and then hit myself in the knees with this ballpeen hammer. It ended up being cheaper and less painful that way.

Damn, if you can't trust a contractor, who can you trust? Whoops, beat me to it.

Automatic 2-month filing extensiooooooooooooooooon!

We had this guy in WV during the 80's who was a video game savant and could make a quarter last for hours, be it pattern recognition, maze runs, or driving-type games. We called him The Glove because he kept a little glove on him to wear on his joystick hand. He would show up at a laundromat or hot dog joint and 10