
I don't understand why a fast-food expansion bid makes AVClub news.

Also, "Hannibal" from the A-team used to say it. Splitting a nuculus is a scary thing.

There are plenty of sexually fulfilled people for whom penetration is not an option for a variety of reasons. I know this isn't what you want, but if you can get used to having a good time without it you may find over time (and with therapy) that your body forgets to freak out. Of course you'll need to spend time

D.I. had a song called Nuclear Funeral (it's the song before Richard Hung Himself), but it's hard to listen to because he keeps pronouncing it "nucular." So distracting.

We are sewing aluminium cucumbers in a field of canvas.

So not the Steve Perry who wrote the crappy Alien novels? Because that could be interesting.

Been exploring Soviet Rocknroll with Victor Tzoi and Кино́. A lot of it is the sort of 80's synth rock I don't like but his first album (45) is solid all the way through. 46 is also good. I'm also just discovering Yegor Letov, the Siberian punk. He is not fucking around.

Beema should have played the sandwich in that Phil Collins video.

I've said it here before, but Billy Drago should have been Dark Tower's Man in Black. Also, Iwan Rheon needs to play Genenis P Orridge before it's too late.

I'm sure the folks programming this thing had bets going on just how many hours it would take to reach this inevitable conclusion.

Also my introduction to Kate Bush.

This reminds me I should watch Breaking Glass again.

Drill friends?

Holy shit, it's really been that long since Repeater.

I used to go fishing alone on my birthday. Not the perfect time of year for it but a still a good day.

(Don't think about the Pope)

Killer Klowns isn't my favorite Dickies album, but Jim Bowie rocks pretty hard.

95 and multiple episodes of Twilight Zone is an exceptional run.

If she thinks you don't need calculus to parse this one, she is oversimplifying.

On a tangent here, but what would you call the first punk album? I'm leaning toward Black Monk Time, but maybe that's pushing it.