
On a tangent here, but what would you call the first punk album? I'm leaning toward Black Monk Time, but maybe that's pushing it.

But what about all the violins in our schools?

If you're gonna smoke weed with Obama in the White House you might as well invite Willie Nelson. He's an old hand.

Now I know the inspiration for this line:
"There are thrones underground
And monarchs upon them.
They walk serene
in spaces between"
- Coil

On the one hand, Tim Burton; on the other hand, Eva Green.

Finally got around to listening to Of Montreal this weekend, which is pretty fucking late considering I've liked Olivia Tremor Control for ages. In my defence I can only say that I'm incredibly lazy. I've been playing Sunlandic Twins a lot, and Satanic Panic. I rate those two above the Apples in Stereo I have, but

Also Red Hook, Magic Hat, and Port Townsend IPA.

Counterpoint: there are some good IPA's out there. Harpoon for example.

Also Cynthia Connolly's Banned In DC, though it's narrower in scope.

The music may not have been insular, but the kids in the cities listening to it certainly were, at least in the places that I knew growing up (I can't speak for places like NY or LA). I don't know if Azzerad's book gets into the paranoia of that time. 80's society was so calcified into subcultures and generally

I think that adaptation would have been better served by television than film.

Which means it should show up in the BBC News science page in about five years.

In fairness to SotL, Lecter did state that the killer was not trans, but merely a violent narcissist.

It's because while the idea of seeing two people make each other feel good sounds great, the business of filming people pretending to feel good is predictably awful.

Relax, porcini mushrooms are unbelievably versatile. Unless it's not porcini, in which case yikes.

I like mix tapes much better than mix CDs. They are more conducive to listening in sequence so the maker's intent can be felt, and the two sides can interact in different ways, and be bookended or themed. Also the fact that they will one day unravel and break makes them seem more precious.

What about right now?

I found anything over 90 min to have a pretty short life expectancy. Every inch of tape is an opportunity for something to go wrong.

Tell me more about these Star People.

If they stand close together you just might could do both…