
I have known several people who "cleaned" their CDs by licking them.

Cassettes were pretty important in Japan too. My friend reported around 1990 that some record stores would display a cd right next to blank tapes of the same duration. In the US there was always this polite fiction that you wanted the blank tapes for something else.

We sometimes used to refer to CDs generically as "coasters," but that was more to do with the host of free CDs that were always coming in the mail with trial memberships to AOL or some such. They do make pretty good coasters, though they shed water so easily that a frosty glass may still leave a ring. Not as good a

Much as I like Kim Dickens, I think I'm about done with zombies.

"Classic hero trap."

Is it Lungfish Week yet?

As usual this Hatesong is all about feelings. This song is an easy target because it's associated with so much crap entertainment, but it's no worse than any other generic club synth from the 80's. The one good thing about this song is that if you were impressionable enough to investigate Yello just because you

Maybe it's just the absence of Gary Busey and the presence of Everett McGill, but I liked the second one of these a lot better. The best part is watching the villains' faces fall when they realize who's on the passenger list. You'd think for all the meticulous planning they did for the hijacking they would have

We asked for Billy Drago and 20 years later we got Matt McConaughey. I'll take it.

I loved the expressions in the audience when the lady who won the costumes Oscar came to collect it in an outfit you might wear down to the pub with some friends. She's like "suck it I just won an Oscar."

Most people's inner gorillas are not so upstanding.

He must have a Hidden Vagenda.

Also every one must be accounted for when the battle is over, as they can be used by peasants with minimal practice.

Vada the omi paloni!

This is more like Hatesinger, which as a concept has more going for it than Hatesong, as people tend to know exactly why they hate a singer. There wasn't really anything here about the song, which I don't think I've heard.

I think it was pretty clear the three people we saw Jay save were the last three, not the only three.

"Used only one time, still in the package". Thinking about this is doing my head in.

I'll take you someplace you can stomp all the ass you want.

I loved that scene where the guy follows her to a Dylan concert and realizes just for a minute that there's a future but he's not in it.

When I worked at Bizen she and her son used to come by the kitchen sometimes to chat with chef Sato, who had a wicked crush on her. It was easy to forget that I recognized her face from anywhere besides around town. Nice lady.