
I heard the story on some TV show ages ago, but now that I try to look it up it appears to have been bullshit. A story has to be pretty weak if the Internet won't float it.

It's because they changed Simon's Rock College to Bard College at Simon's Rock. I think you're right about Wellfleet.

It's a creepy story from every angle. Apparently the girl's mother had been training her to ensnare Chaplin almost from the day they met.

Haven't seen her face since I lived in the Berkshires. The Wanderers is a really good movie.


Sooo, you stay home and lock your doors or do you go out and… do stuff?

It wasn't cool, and the fact that he tried to tell you it was cool instead of immediately apologizing means he doesn't get it and will do it again, to you or to the next person who trusts him.

1) I remain a broken record on this matter: every day is Valentines Day. Etch it in your brain. Life is too fucking short. So I guess I would say there is a negative effect of distracting people from the fact that your friends and lovers need your gratitude right now. Also maybe an unhealthy obsession with grand

Well it worked for A Chorus Line.

I'm thinking less Alien, more Dark Star.

Given your situation I say grab some happiness first, look for explanations later. I've always been funny-looking and plagued with doubt, but I get lucky when I stop second-guessing for a minute. Also when in doubt, be funny.

Benefit of the doubt is they are doing it solo.

You're 15 years ahead of me. At 30 I was busy patting myself on the back for being a wooden boatbuilder; now 5 professions and a dozen moves later I'm retraining as an electrician.

Sometimes discipline is more effective than encouragement. You and your friends need a zero-tolerance policy for you talking (or thinking) shit about yourself and call it out as it happens. I know that when I'm down a part of me gets satisfaction out of kicking myself for it, and letting go of that is much higher

As an at-home parent who couldn't get meaningful work once my kid went to school, I feel that way most of the time. What makes it ok is that my family values what I do and have done, and takes the trouble to let me know it. Just because you gave the green light for fooling around doesn't mean your spouse is off the

Boring. The forest is so boring.

I love how the folklorist they talked to legitimizes the whole thing by saying "it's kind of funny."

No, but I feel as if, I Am, ON FIRE!

Witchsmeller Persuivant!

Every day is Valentines Day, and you better hurry up and know that.