
Who is this generation's River Phoenix?

It lasted longer than Brackenhenge.

Do not call up any that you cannot put down.

also, a tin teardrop

Ye of little True Faith

Just finished MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood. It is as well written as you'd expect from her, and even weirder than I'd hoped. It almost seemed like it had been written specially for me.

You should check out Tieta do Agreste.

I used to hear that term a lot around '88 or so. Never had one though.

Sounds like everything you do gone be funky from now on.

Assuming we're talking about Charleston, SC (and who ever sets a show in Chas, WV), I guess the take-home message is that Hell is North Carolina?

I read these in '78, and all I can remember is the the bunnyman with the blaster.

Furthermore the assumption that kids are idiots and must be as such.

You and Palin both.

If she can turn into an arc of pure electricity and send the arc on a path of her choice, why was Livewire harmed by water? Seems like worst case is she goes to ground for a second and has to reform

I'm just old enough that I still want Billy Drago to play that part.

What I mean is at times he seems to dread everything: the future, the past, racial mixing, genetic isolation, foreign languages, even his limited small-town New England comfort zone has hidden terrors. For the most part having all that nightmare fuel gives him a perfect perspective for his writing, but the racial

I would say everything he writes is informed by a crippling xenophobia which is not limited to race.

The Hutt is a Lonely Hunter

Damn, C Tomas Howell looks freaky with a beard.

Older Bryan Cranston?