
OK, so not a cover of the Rick Von Schmidt song. Probably just as well.

Chess-boxing is the true gentleman's game.

I can get through Alien 4 if I focus on viewing it as an art film. Except for the parts where Winona Ryder wanders in from the set of a different movie and starts saying words.

Meat's meat!

The AV Club: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Fool me 15 times… I'm not sure where I'm going with this.

My favorite breakfast as a kid was a sausage biscuit from Tudor's Biscuit World with a side of that baked apple shit.

The correct answer is Butthole Surfers' Double Live. Maybe that doesn't count though, since it is legitimized by release on the Buttholes' own label.

You lost me at "isn't Werner Herzog."

"Doobie or not Doobie"

I trained as a sushi chef with the guy who made the fake human flesh for this movie. It sounded like an interesting process, questioning the survivors about all the details of color and texture. And of course, what a thing to have on your CV.

Dude probably has a scale replica of the Taj Mahal made out of vintage Superman comics.

Oh, right. Don't need any licensing info for that either.

Um, family-friendly Muppets of the 70's? Maybe go back and watch those again.

I was looking for old episodes, but maybe they only trot those out when there's a new one going.

I think Sweeney Todd works better without beautiful singing. Angela Lansbury is no slouch at singing but her performance as Mrs Lovett (my favorite) is pretty squarely on the rough side.

There are a couple of sites that stream BBC shows, but the content is sparse and in constant rotation. Good enough if your kid is sick and just needs some Charlie and Lola; not so good if you want to have a Fawlty Towers binge party, or catch up on Orphan Black before the new episode arrives. On the bright side,

I just checked BBC iplayer (why do I bother) and it's not there at all. Used to be they ran an episode or so at a time, just to remind people that BBC TV wasn't all dance contests and gadget reviews.

I seem to remember the BBC saying they would digitize all the old shows for streaming by British license-holders some years back, and being paid for it, and not doing it. I wasn't here back then but English people tend to look bitter when I bring it up.