
One of the great things about watching your kid grow up is not having to read the fucking Berenstain Bears anymore. Also one of the nice things about not having kids, obviously.

At least it sort of ties in with the movie's whole Penn & Teller style of spoiling the trick. In another movie it would have been worse.

The trouble with Martha is the writers seemed to forget they had given her her own skillset. Her backstory training to be a doctor was just a convenient bit of filling out for a new character, and an unsubtle wink which, whatever. Her time with the Doctor could have been an extended study in healing species from

She's probably got a running feud with the 2nd fattest housewife in Fairfield.

I know, that's why I've always hated Mafia movies, even when they're excellent. The level of assumed entitlement has always offended me. Most don't bother to get into the fact that, underneath all the tipping and glad-handling, what makes these people respected pillars of their community is nothing more than the

The old chef in me watches that first clip and thinks "unacceptable. Get the fuck out of my kitchen."

I hadn't heard that DC Space was gone. That's too bad. I remember seeing shows there for $5 when venues like 930 were charging 20 for the same bands.

My favorite pie is rhubarb from the Chimacum diner on rt. 19.

Well sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

I don't disagree.

I don't think we'll be seeing another one of those for a while, after the excellent and well-loved version they made in 2003. With such a big shadow cast, a period version would be redundant, and a modern one would be tacky. But Dostoevsky's title character is already an archetype in Russia, so you could call it a

Everything I know about the afterlife I learned from Father Guido Sarducci. You die, God pays you a dollar for every day you were alive, and then he bills you for every sin. A negative balance means you gotta go back to Earth and do that shit over again.

The Twistman Cometh

Now I get to piggyback on Rabin's moment to say that while I've always liked Roxy Music, I never heard 2HB until I saw Velvet Goldmine, and I believed Ferry had written the song specifically for Brian Slade to sing, which would have been awesome.

"Is there anything he can’t do?"

Continuum? I ain't even started 'em.

The difference between A-quality pork ribs and B-quality pork ribs.

Just release it already, punk pioneers. What are you afraid of?

James Woods: Troll Hunter 2

No one should feel bad for not being a show-off parent. Having been a stay-at-home parent myself I have enough self-doubt on my own account without listening to other parents crow about their kids' precocious activities. Kids learn what they are interested in and when. The other stuff is mostly our own vanity.