
I knew we could count on you.

Nailed down hmm, could be worse.

Why would anyone want to leave the party van?

From what I hear it is much cheaper for England to have a monarch than not.

Done with Damon. Haven't thought about him in ages anyway.

Penitenziagite! Bleaghh!

I had a similar experience with No More Workinghorse Blues.

The Cramps - Bad Music for Bad People
Crass - Penis Envy
Palace Brothers - Days in the Wake
Diamanda Galas - Wild Women with Steak Knives
The moving iluminations scene from The Secret of Kells

Anyone do the joke about "striking Feore into the hearts of…" yet?

Some of that stuff was surprisingly not bad.

I tolerate so many things my kid is into, my spouse's habits are a distant second.

Michael Douglas and his Uzi must really have made an impression.

Island of the Colorblind was a good book.

Stupid question, Internet

Anybody link yet to the Towering Inferno spoof episode SCTV did?

If it's only from yesterday, that's still pretty good turnover.

I guess that wasn't a typo

And of course it wouldn't be a proper UK charity scandal without some sexual harassment complaints. People are still rallying to save it though.

When I was in Belem they had this company called Tropigas that delivered propane on demand. They would drive around the city blasting this jingle (less a jingle than a singy market cry) out the loudspeaker all day every day. This is legal in Brazil, and as ubiquitous as the barking dogs. The funny thing is the

For a while it seemed like the accepted wisdom in advertising was that annoying people was good because they were more likely to remember. I'm assuming they started to notice people were holding a grudge because I haven't seen anything on the scale of irritating jingles from the early late 80's/90's.