
Still haven't seen an episode but I rarely miss a review. This stuff is gold.

Is any of this stuff from the book anymore? I only made it a third of the way through but it's been a while since any of this sounded like Stephen King.

I think that's the pair I was thinking of and not Voodoo Child

sure, and 1983 and Moon Turn the Tides. Most of the stuff in the Inventory didn't have wildly different versions either.

Hendrix - 1983… and Moon Turn the Tides…
Coil - Teenage Lightning/Lorca Not Orca
Butthole Surfers - Graveyard
Butthole Surfers - Creep in the Cellar
Death in June - Break the Black Ice

My kid's not getting that pony either.

But THE strain implies there's only one, so which is it?
-my credulity
-my patience
-my will to live
-my self-control not to put my foot through the screen

Well, now he's got CancerEggs.

Still holding out for Helen Mirren, but I have no problem with this either.

Now I'm having the same issue as you.

Not just 9+ upvotes on a single comment? I barely understand this platform. For me there is a Disqus login and an AVClub login, even though they are both the same login and of course both are Disqus. Sometimes I get signed out at random and when I sign back in I have notifications from a month ago that I couldn't

When did the snot rag become the pocket square? I feel so out of touch.


We'd probably see more of that "sick with longing" thing if he were cooking meth.

I think the theme of our world being syntactic in nature had virtue and could have been explored more deeply, but apparently they didn't have the attention span for it.

Seemed like he was channelling Christopher Carrion from Barker's Abarat books.

That reminds me of the time I watched Darkstar with some friends and forgot about it, and then convinced some other friends to rent it because I'd heard it was really funny, and only realized halfway through that I'd seen it and forgotten because it was really boring. But with cock.

Don't forget Adams only added that happy ending because he couldn't handle the one he intended.

Blade Runner

The Wire. Not a movie obviously but has the scene where Herc walks in on the mayor doing a bit of dictation with his assistant.