
Wake the Ancients!

I remember seeing some cool tattoos by him like 25 years ago but I must have missed that he had his own line of clothing. It's probably because I never spent time in LA.

Actual good job, Internet.

Playing Missile Command is all about focusing only on what you can't afford to lose. The atari home version made this easier by giving you only one missile silo.

When I ran out of quarters I would go to Best Buy or somesuch and play it on Activision, Atari, and Intellivision. None of them had a 3rd level, and each had its own proportion issues. The Intellivision version of any object of character always seemed to be too tall. It shows what small business home gaming was

I suppose they could have called him Ass Kong.

While the first movie works best as existential allegory, the 2nd movie works best as taking a big dump on the first movie.

Two… Brothers… it's just called Two Brothers!

UK audiences don't have a problem with it. Red Dwarf, AbFab, and Jam and Jerusalem all spring to mind as having gaps between seasons and didn't suffer for it.

Also at having gay sex scenes that actually make sense.

The Thieving Magpie.

I believe the Sufis call it "the Path of Blame."

Thanks for the head's-up. It's been a while since I checked up on his output, but a new book by him always gets me psyched.

You're really talking about Jesus, aren't you?

I doubt there would be much objection to him stepping aside for his son.

Could be worse. Just imagine being a Charles impersonator.

I knew a guy who got laid by pretending to be Gibby Haynes at a party. I wonder if the girl knew who Gibby Haynes was.

They would have had to confiscate their phones and keep them away from Internet access somehow after the reveal. Not that it would make much difference. Anyone who's watched television has seen Harry.

You could call it "LOL WTF is Google?"

You ain't Joe, you ain't Sam, you just am.