
Copyright infringement in the kitchen!

That's why I can't stand Sir Galahad. Team Percival all the way.

When we trust people we forgive them in advance for the mistakes they will make because we see them as deserving. Getting to know people means constantly reappraising how deserving they are. You can forgive without maintaining trust, and it's better for your own health not to carry grudges around with you.

It's a gift as far as I'm concerned. You found out what kind of person they are before something major happened. Take it and make your way quietly towards the exit.

Depends what you mean by forgiveness. Some think it means come back everything's cool now, others think it's about not holding onto the anger. It's natural to want to make amends for the wrongs we do, but this hands people a tremendous amount of power and they must also be held responsible for how they use it.

Being young somehow makes you stick out like a sore thumb. In my youth random strangers seemed to judge me everywhere I went. Now they hardly even look at me. It's the best.

We should definitely be suspicious of the eagerness with which we can punish ourselves for every mistake.

Well when someone loses my trust, I don't necessarily want them coming back to show me they learned their lesson (just like you probably don't want the new girl's dad showing up to say he just remembered his Christian principle of unconditional love). I'd prefer they show their new better wisdom to the next person.

Yeah, I got what they were trying to do, but when she went down it seemed wasteful to me. Some characters took three seasons to grab my interest but this one sprang up fully formed.

That and all other stuff that has to do with science are best avoided in a zombie show. Scrutiny is like kryptonite to them.

That's the one with Translucent Carriages, which I only recently learned is not a Psychic TV original. Great song.

I probably wasn't paying attention. At the time my friends and I only used it for the job listings.

I liked it when Alan Chartock was reading letters sent in by folks who didn't like him. His enthusiasm made me like him more.

That's the Eagle, which I'm pretty sure is Great Barrington, MA.

I think I'd prefer the ABC's of Death.

Berkshire Eagle? I guess they would be the first to know.

Oh yeah. Don't think I've ever heard his real voice.

I don't think it's about being unaware, but that when people say it who don't know and understand you, it doesn't really mean anything. I think most people assume they are depressed because of various circumstances, which your standard free-advice dispensers aren't keeping track of so what use are their platitudes,

You gotta take the highs with the lows though. March into that cafe, flex your biceps and say "I Parked OVER THERE!"

Only living person whose name I ever started with Sir. I know he's earned a rest but I hope he never does.