
Some editions of his shows sold Stateside don't even have him narrating. I think Blue Planet had Pierce Brosnan, also British, for reasons no one could explain.

The name Screech reminds me of a strong liquor they drink in Newfoundland.

Yeah four, and I bailed on the prequel. I don't know if it was diminishing returns or my taste changed over 20 years.

… like a million bucks

Damn, I was almost caught up.

I don't think I remember anything about Beverly from the books I read, but considering that she is now on a consistent diet which includes white truffles I can only assume. I just wonder does she think it was her idea to give up meat, or is she too traumatized to resist his will?

Plenty of room for debate in there but I'm not being deceptive, just saying in my experience the thing means different things to different people. I also have a knee-jerk reaction to that flag (thanks to 9 years of childhood in WV) and I think there are a bunch of good reasons to take it down but it doesn't mean we

If it were a chocolate factory it might be kind of cool. I would be down with her learning how something gets made. This is just some Cadbury-themed bullshit activities for the price of two movies.

That Lego Ideas thing was one of the "topics" last years at my daughter's school. Apparently the UK schools don't have the kind of protection from targeted marketing that I've been used to in the States. Now they are geared up for a "school" trip to Cadbury World which cost 16 pounds and has fuck-all to do with

It's from a Zappa song, but this is the first time I've heard it used conversationally.

Are people saying "crux of the biscuit" now?

You just Splintered my Mind's Eye!

You could say he's the Colin Baker of Bonds.

That was the year I experimented with living indoors. It didn't suit me but I stuck with it, mostly.

Had to go to Portland to find out what's good in Denver.

I missed almost everything from that year while it was happening. I was bouncing around between Colorado, the Berkshires, and WV, working restaurant jobs and sleeping in my car. No one even told me about Elephant 6 until like five years later. The one thing that stands out about 1995 is that I genuinely enjoyed

Ever wonder how such a small group managed to remove all the boulders from such a large zone? In Colorado no less.

I studied other languages, so I was able to put things in context as I learned them, but mainly it was hanging out with Brazilians that did it. I lived in Boston for a while, lived with a Brazilian or two, and went to parties. Later the spouse and I spent about 6 months in Brazil. Now that I'm competent in

I would say that 1/2-Mensch was my gateway to industrial music, but mainly it was my gateway to listening to more Neubauten.

Subset of post hijack: what musical obsession inspires you to start learning a new language? For me learning Portuguese started with Brazillian Tropicalia, mainly Os Mutantes, Caetano Veloso, and Arnaldo Antunes. Antunes isn't properly Tropicalia but the debt is obvious and he's awesome.