
I actually started teaching myself Portuguese based on a cascade of associations which begins with this album. There may have been a woman involved. Most of my favorite songs are in Portuguese now. If you haven't given yourself a crash course in Tropicalia yet I recommend it. Don't use the AV Club primer though,

Nusrat - Sanu Ek Pal Chain. Is this Urdu?

This topic makes me irrationally angry, so I'm going to calmly walk away before god fucking damn it.

I never skip Revolution 9, or Piggies. You're listening wrong.

My favorite Thompson stuff is from French Frith Kaiser Thompson, and the Richard and Linda albums.

Every entry has a joke like that, referring to the way grown-ups in the 80' and 90's didn't know shit about video games but would still open their mouths to tell you about them.

I don't think the UK has proportionally fewer reality shows than the US, but there are fewer shows about faith healing, so that's something.

It must have been like classical Ottoman society versus alien invasion.

It didn't make for the most immersive experience I admit, but I got tired of trying to remember if Gudrun Holm was the fast one with the reflexes or the chickenshit who couldn't shoot. If they still had their original name it meant they sucked at everything and would be fired for their living space or sent ahead to

I was pretty good at Puc-One. Charleston probably had one of those for every three of the real thing.


Or Noel Coward's version of The Times They Are A'Changin'

*shiver* William Shatner *shiver*

Someday someone will prove that white people invented everything

My soldiers were always just named with a string of letters for the aptitudes they needed to improve, followed eventually by their psi score. They didn't get names until they could actually fight.

I think some of the difficulties of the original were bugs too, like the way getting line of sight with one guy gave it to the entire team. Worse, it gave the aliens line of sight on everyone, so a Sectoid Captain could sit in his office and mind control your people (or take them out with a blaster bomb) before they

Cornelius is not impressed.

Looks aren't everything.

Yeah it finally occurred to me to ditch the middle school version of G when I was in my 20's. I've been much happier with the new one.

And yet my kid has better handwriting than I do.