
That is no excuse.

Well he is famously averse to getting stuck in a single role (who else would walk away from being The Doctor after one season?), but I admit I had expected to see a bit more of him than a quick conversation or two.

Probably the sound person was overzealous about the safety going back on. I don't remember the scene that well. If it were me I would press the little triangle and open the breech again for safety, but that makes a substantial noise, and most people aren't so cautious.

That's the one.

I remember reading a Conan Book where he is 60-ish and has a son, but I don't remember if it was by Howard or by DeCamp or someone else. I remember him saying it was time for his 13-year-old boy to learn "the carefree art of manslaying."

Now we just have to sift through all the people who stood to gain by having him die 4 hours earlier than expected.

I'm sure the Portuguese Constitution also refers to the endless bounty of the Canadian sea.

She may need Int 18 to find them as they are pretty fished out.

We never got to see Beth's dance.

Please God I never have to spend a bill with Charles' face on it. May the old broad live for ever.

I hope Cal is teaching Kira proper flyfishing and not that wooden-float-swing thing they do down there.

"You don’t hire an actress of Juliette Lewis’ caliber and then kill her off in the second episode"

For a US equivalent, divide the British apology by .65 and you should be good.

Aren't the studios supposed to give you a few months notice before your Last Fuckable Day?

First time I heard him I thought "when did K D Lang become a dude?" After listening to Poses halfway through I started to get it though. His is still my favorite version of Across the Universe.

Now I'm about to bring it up again.

He needs to get back in the game.

I was ignoring it until you brought it up.

Probably more like Port Townsend to Sturgess.

They also knew how to sail around the world without shitting themselves, much.