
Ok, but someone needs to explain to all the carpoolers that they are bankrupting the gas companies.

You can totally get candles from trees. We used to make them out of bayberries when I was a kid. The cats stayed the fuck outside.

Thing is, young people learn how to hustle at shitty jobs like that, or they learn to let it all just roll off them, or both. Both of these are skills worth having. For older people it's an entirely different world; there's not much to learn and you can't really hustle any more, and you certainly can't laugh it off

I still have that to look forward to; I've tried to warn mine that I will one day humiliate her with my mere existence, but she doesn't believe me yet.

My grandmother-in-law did that. She said she was so ashamed she would duck and hide when kids her age drove past.

I saw him in Florida a few years back and I think he sat the whole concert as well. He had a bass player who looked like he must be 100 years old.

Especially adorable: the attempt to combine low- and high-income housing in the same buildings. Especially frustrating: the assumption that in the future everyone would own a car and drive everywhere. Just try walking anywhere in that city.

I'm going with the city of Brasilia. A vision of the future so silly it could be part of a sci-fi spoof.

Smart of him to buy a used one too. All cast iron should be 50 years old before purchase.

I remember when we were in Newfoundland we drove up to St John's for a proper grocery store and the entire tea section (pretty big too) was a single brand of Orange Pekoe. They seemed to think everything else was bullshit. Then after all the jokes I sat through about American beer all we could find was Dominion Ale.

The funny thing is that they can get avocados unbelievable cheap in Canada for some reason, at least as of my last visit.

Wayward Pines sounds a bit like the Poor Man's Twin Peaks.

Brazillian is the new Mexican.

I guess Pennsylvania down I81 was a real dry patch back then, but most bands would have hit Morgantown over Charleston. We Charleston kids were a lot more grateful though.

Why y'all gotta be dissin' on Dixieland? It's got several syncopations.

I often wonder how some of the shows could even happen. When 76% Uncertain came to Chas. they had no venue and had to wrangle up a kid's basement in Hurricane. Somehow we got there based on quick word of mouth. It hadn't occurred to me at the time, but why did they stop in WV?

I think Boon died the year I heard my first minutemen song. We had a decent selection of bands coming through Charleston, but they were all from East of the Rockies. All the West coast bands we had heard of had broken up around that time anyway.

It's the cold.

That map is probably the only thing in the whole WoT series that needs an editor.

Counterpoint: Archie has had a good run.