
It's a good thing Tesla isn't making a profit. They're investing it into the infrastructure needed for electric cars to be viable (before hydrogen cars come online). That Musk. He's a smart, smug man for sure. Good for him.

Sister, huh? The greater Jalop community need a picture to make sure she's a capable driver. :)

I would say that 80% of the population either doesn't know or they just don't care. A lot of older people drive in the passing lane and their reason is that the right lane is much more dangerous with people merging on and getting off. While I can kind of understand what they're talking about, if traffic merging

God how I hate people that don't pass in the passing lane. I sit behind them screaming, "How are you an adult and have no idea that this lane is for passing and then moving over?!" I mean really - who raised these people?

Ford GT's are genuinely park because they can't go in most spaces. if there's a car next to your driver door, you can't get out because the roof comes away from the car with the door when it opens. If you can't open the door the entire way, there's essentially a roof above you outside the car.

R.A.D. Nothing like a little outstanding American military hardware and mach 3 hoonage to end a pretty good day.


Weichai power huh? And I just thought it was his massive balls that made him go so fast.

Nope. That's definitely Ferrari.


The only car I can support on this list is a project car...or a Miata if it was a Spec Miata and you had a helmet and a grid spot. All the other ones just seem like a giving up.

"subies", of course.

Ice Racing Palace. Fleet of Lambo's and rubies outside. a few jumps.

Much acid! Very Absinth! BTW JT - I just picked up two Ferraris the Ferrari. Want to go for a quick formation flight? I found putting my diamond rings in the front boot a good way to eliminate the in-air pitch.

what kind of cars do the deer in your area drive?

Daily H, if you're ever in NYC, pop over to Classic Car Club for a beer and a tour. I think you'd feel at home.

Let me start off by saying Fuck VWs.

Gaaahhh. Loose chain jumping a tooth and running off the sprocket. Good for you for keeping it upright. That is downright terrifying. This guy didn't have the same talent as you. That's really scary when you're doing it right and the bike has a mechanical moment, seizing things up.

Right on. I hate videos like this. It makes the rest of us riders look like dumb asses. And ToLivenDie, I agree with you man. If you're riding correctly, it feels like you're in a white space - hyper aware and everything around moves very slowly. If you don't have that level of concentration, get off the bike or