
It’s a nice price, if you’re willing to deal with the manitenance of an AM, but that’s the same thing you would have to consider with a new one.

Um, so a superlight supercar beat an executive sedan around a track? I’m not surprised. it also didn’t blast that fast past. The S-Class used proper ring etiquette, moved over, turned on its blinker and let off, giving the Lambo an clean line into the corner.

The Alta’s are in a different class. They’re race ready.


That gated shifter looks like it’s lifted from an Audi R8.

this is pass out, good news.

As an Atom owner who has driven in the rain, the word would be "sketchy". It's very light and has gobs of power that it delivers instantly. the other cars you mention have lighting fast computers to help you out. Its only as fast as your reflexes and instincts.

Bah! Thanks for the inspiration Tom. And Diesel, an auto site full of mid-nineties accords - not so interesting.

It's good to see that Smart engineers worked as hard as they could to beat any trace of attractiveness out of this. Boring is as boring does.

A V-sport Esko-laid? That dumb.

Everyone named Tex is rad. Fact.

See what I did there? I made it a hybrid. And I was so cautious to call it an "accelerator" too. Anyway, the brake I meant. The pedals are close, but also at a very similar height.

Certainly not the best car of the '90's, but none epitomize the decade better than the "hum-vee" H1.

I drove CCC's Tesla S on a great 500-mile round trip two weekends ago. EXCELLENT car. Though I did notice that when wearing a pair of boots, the brake and accelerator are very close and placed around the same height, so I had to make certain not to clip the accelerator when going for the gas. Just saying they're

I understand the quest for engineering development. That makes a lot of sense. But to me, it makes the most sense in motorsport. Cars like this are definitely cool and I'm sure we benefit in the trickle down technology, but they're more or less not very drivable unless all the computers are on. I prefer to push

Anyone else bored with unfathomable amounts of horsepower? I'm starting to wonder what's the point, other than marketing and all. Give me a lightweight driver with minimal computers and a manual box - cayenne, Exige, Z4M Coupe and I'm good.

I think all of these rallies are ridiculous. If you want to go fast, learn how to drive first, then hit up your local racetrack. Driving breakneck speeds on public roads in your silly Lamborghini and taking out a guy coming home from work or a family in a van so you can get to the rally point first to meet women

Not true. I'm spectacular in all conditions.

"hipster" is as overused as "iconic". what makes this hipster? Because it's in Brooklyn? My parents are from Brooklyn and they aren't hipsters. I just think they're having a bit of clever fun with their brand. Just because it's not a traditional 30-second ad on NBC doesn't mean it's a "Hipster" ad. And you even

As if his actions weren't bad enough, that line he took was pitiful.