Frank, in the final stages of cancer
Frank, in the final stages of cancer
Now we’re wringing our hands in anguish over Hitler jokes?
I cannot wait for the documentary on this shit show. It’s honestly amazing what’s happening with this fucking clown. Hard to believe.
Listen, I remember how dramatic everything was in high school and lord knows I “protested” over some hilarious things, but like someone needs to gently tell these kids to chill out.
I mean why not at this point? The truth doesn't matter anymore.
Nothing says “save the babeez” like a handlebar mustache and trucker hat.
Everytime I hear about these evangelical assholes comparing abortion to the Holocaust, I like to bring up Dr Gisella Perl. A true hero who saved countless women and infants from torture and death by performing abortions with her bare hands in Auschwitz. She’s called a murderer by useless fanatics like these. She…
Well, that convinces me! I had been dubious, but now I can’t wait to put assholes who don’t respect property rights, rules of order or anybody else’s time in charge of my bodily autonomy.
Something tells me those two chodes have been hiding in closets their entire lives.
I think his resignation was probably inevitable, considering how massively that situation was mishandled, but will it be sufficient? That’s a really, really good question. My old school district had a terrible administrator, and things did get a great deal better when he retired and a new guy came in, so it can make a…
I’m sure they’ll shake it off.
We shouldn’t be critical of Pete removing tattoos. But the act of getting them in the first place (during the first months of dating) is still a target though.
the initials of Kardashian and Kanye West’s four kids also on his clavicle
She’s not even a fucking lawyer, is she? Terrible tattoo, and offensive to those of us who are licensed and actually practice.
And despite the spectacle and financial success, Avatar seems like the pinnacle of pop ephemera--here today, gone tomorrow without leaving a cultural mark.
Fail to see how Disney churning out an endless stream of Avatar sequels in hopes of dominating the global box office is any different than what Cameron himself is doing.
No shit. I’m on Trulicity, which I’m in love with. The hoops my doctor and I had to jump through to get insurance to cover it was fucking ridiculous. They really don’t want to pay despite the fact I’ve paid my insurance company *plenty* over the last two decades.
Aside from scaling up production, insurance companies really need to just cover the damn thing already for weight loss.
I didn’t watch it but I’m annoyed at a part reported which seems to try to make someone else responsible for Monteith’s relapse which lead to his death. The story from the hairdresser is apparently Monteith started drinking again because a costar “gave him permission” at a party.