
I cannot like your comment enough.

For me the inability of this series to actually say what year it's taking place in is just maddening. It says that Filoni and Favreau can't bear to fully commit to a solid timeline that viewers can easily follow. 

This is what makes Baylan Skroll’s line in the trailer “We are no Jedi” so interesting. He appears to say that line just before apparently slaughtering a innocent New Republic member.

If anyone is looking for a very genuine exploration of grief, I cannot suggest Anderson Cooper's All There Is podcast.

Should also note that while the brand name Plan B is pretty pricy at about $40 a dose, generic versions are available for about $11 to $20.

Considering this is a man who basically named his youngest son after a barcode number, I don't know how anyone is surprised by this.

Not to mention the gymnastics and figure skating are the only two sports that I can think of in which the women’s field receives more coverage then the men’s (at least in the United States). 

It’s not a full-proof solution, but buying secondhand is a great way to help reduce the impact the textile industry has on the environment.

Buying secondhand is a good option.

I am actually feeling pretty hopeful for this show. 

So I guess Lord of the Rings got all the cash and Wheel of Time had to settle with scraps? I know these are just first look images, but it looks pretty cheap.

Please be good. Please.

Wow! This looks great. 

I have the same feeling. While GoT messed up its ending, it did prove you could do fantasy/science fiction on that grand a scale on the small screen. Plus TVs are becoming so much larger and better overall.

If I had a nickle for everytime I have been able to hear both sides of a cellphone conservation, i could retire. I don’t think most people realise just how loud the volume on their phone is.

It is. The second eight-episode season has already been filmed.

This looks awesome!

Right now I am cautiously optimistic about this. The visuals look great, but this whole taking creatures with magical powers and trying to draw an analogy to racism in our current times has gotten a little old.

Yes, but Gardner is up for reelection next year :)

Homosexual relationships are the one area in which women have historically had an easier time then men. Most laws that criminalized homosexual sex where aimed solely at men.