
YES, thank you for zeroing in on this. Everybody focused on animation glitches but they were hardly the area in which the game disappointed most. The fact that the writing was just so goddamn awful and corny, not at all up to the standards of the first three games, and the overall tone of the story so inconsistent...

That sucks. Mechanically, it’s got by far the best combat of any Mass Effect games. And the animation stuff was pretty much fixed up with the patches.

Legends speak of a Chosen One.

Yep and it’s a trick question. It’s actually a test to see who’s smart enough to give up and do it manually, because auto-indenting and auto-numbering never actually works for anyone.

But saying “Islam is not a religion of peace” is not a rant, nor is it, in fact, untrue. The Quran 9:5 originally mentioned “al-jihad and al-sayf,” i.e. indicating that the sword and the struggle are distinct enough to be worth defining as separate parts of the mission all Muslims have (to spread the faith).

LOL. Okay

THIS! My in-laws are crazed Trump-supporters, but ALL FIVE of their offspring are huge liberals. The fact that all five saw past their parents’ racist and fascist bullshit is a testament to the ability of critical thinking to overcome the politics you were raised with.

“Peter is a maniac, who has turned away from all of us and gone down some insane internet rabbit-hole, and turned into a crazy nazi.”

News flash: The myth that everything someone becomes was “taught” or “learned” by watching mommy and daddy is bullshit. Some people become assholes because they choose to be. Not everyone’s fuck up is directly related to daddy drinking too much and screaming at black people on tv in a dilapidated mobile home.

This is the beginning of the White Civil Rights movement...

same way conservative parents can have liberal kids....

Apparently, you’re unfamiliar about how this all works.

Dedicated to all of the people with racist family members and/or friends who act like they are stuck in some sorta moral conundrum.

long write up to be wrong, everyone is in party chat from the 360 days, and yeah the Xbox one comes with a headset

No one uses voice chat anymore.

I met someone weird ass people in that game.

Anyone who misses meeting random people on Xbox Live never played Uno. Fuck that game.

The worst gaming communities are primarily PC games.