my heart bleeds at these poor guys only making 6 figures forced to play video games... how tragic.
my heart bleeds at these poor guys only making 6 figures forced to play video games... how tragic.
BTW why do you bold random words?
Asking funding from a bussiness and asking funding from fan is 2 separate thing.
Releasing DLC while still being in EA for one. Single player story still non-existant. Terrible performance (ya I know EA). Shitty Dev. Barebone game with nothing to do in it. Dev that do nothing or take way too long to do something about player that trolls. I could go on. But this is just my opinion.
They were made before and still made today without consummers backing the projects.
Have seen people burned too many time by ambtious games. I got burned by Ark too. So no, if their idea is so good then finding funding should not be a problem.
Thing is, initially PUBG would be another passing fad in the multiplayer gaming world and since the creator of the mod had left impressions of knowing this outside of his professional nature, this can come off as startling.
This happens often whenever a thoughtful and/or humble developer/content creator when they are taken by surprise when their product is really successful...greed takes the helm, sometimes cloaked in the incentive to meet player demand.
Except when this shit happens the streamers either don’t advocate it or pretend they don’t enough to give themselves plausible deniability. As a random user who doesn’t capture and record everything I do, I don’t really have any ammo to identify and report StevieMcSteve47 when his fans decide to spam me with AFK…
That’s all fine and good, but banning people for doing this, when it doesn’t break any of the ToS is ridiculous. People will be assholes, that’s life.
Have you ever played an online game with friends, and spent the majority of the time listening to your friends whine about any number of reasons why they died? (That’s so OP! THATS BROKEN! WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING!?!!?!)
Every time I hear about this game I want to buy it - it makes sense because I’ve played a lot of DayZ, although I never tried this mod for it - however, every time I see this game it makes me think ‘Why are people buying and/or going nuts for this buggy piece of shit? Especially for the price it’s at.’
A celebrity constantly updating their location publicly...
I always found it hilarious that a game allows something and everyone uses etiquette to try and browbeat everyone. It reminds of me early Goldeneye days when people would complain about others looking at their “quadrant” on the TV screen. Dude —- IT’S ON MY SCREEN I’m going to look at it. Now of course today’s stream…
This is why online gaming is for kids.
Good. Keep it up, I say.
it’s more like a celebrity going about their business, taking photos of THEMSELVES, streaming those photos to the internet, and then getting outraged when potentially embarassing photos are used against them.
How did Dr. Disrespect get unbanned? I never saw an update on that.
Agreed. Since when did the playing of the game revolve around people streaming it? It’s meant to be played and enjoyed first and foremost, right? It’s a game, last time I checked :)
Streamers have to relax with this game, they are sort of ruining the game now with anyone killing them blaming it strea snipers etc