Spin Doctors

A reasonable person might think something is up, but this show is a magical fantasy world, much like Friends where people date news anchors,manage to hold prestigious teaching positions while sexually harassing their boss, and achieve their dreams without any demonstrable effort, so the idea that someone's terrible

I think it's just a lazy way for them to easily fit their pegs into holes.

OK, but the writers of show don't.

Because pretty much everything on this show is viewed through the lens of a white character.

On what planet can you aggressively sexually harass your boss like that and keep your job?

Finally, we get to see what this show could really be. So naturally I assume the next 3 episodes will focus on murder and gangsters.

Oliver, please.

I think you just get uncomfortable any time you see someone being described as "white."

The Sopranos was a show about family and dichotomy. Vinyl is "A ride through the sex- and drug-addled music business at the dawn of punk, disco, and hip-hop." (HBO's own language). I think they should be two very different shows, thematically. However, there is a tendency in the business to repeat what has worked

Apples and Oranges, but just because something works on the Sopranos doesn't mean it works for everything. A lesson HBO should take to heart!

Agree to disagree. It's like taking a show like 'Better Call Saul' and basing it around the point of view of Ed Begley Jr's character.

Race is always a factor in the history of rock n roll. And to put it into the parlance of the time, instead of being given the point of view of "the people" we are given the point of "the man."

I feel like we all got sold a bill of goods on what this show was going to be. From the trailers, you think it's going to be a show about the excitement of rock n roll, but instead we get a show where sad white label execs do coke and shout about the greatness of rock n roll while nothing of consequence happens.

Depicting consequence has never been this show's strong suit.

The idea of them playing around with history would actually make this an exciting show, An alternate history where Elvis makes a good album in the 70s would be fun. Otherwise, it's just an endless string of situations we already know the endings to. No, they're not gonna sign Zeppelin. No, they're not gonna sign

I feel like "the illusion of waiting in a line for a rollercoaster only to find yourself stuck in a mobius strip" is a more apt metaphor for watching this show.

"It's really time that they showed what Rock N Roll is like from an executive's point of view." -No One Ever

What did the plot do other than establish the fact that Ray Romano can be a screw-up too? They ended in THE EXACT SAME PLACE that they started, no way to make payroll and nothing exciting on the horizon.

First Season: Multi-episode arc based around HPV
Fifth Season: Unprotected sex with intravenous drug-user = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe they can start making records at some point?