Spin Doctors

Worth remembering that in the original movie, they use a trashcan, some donuts and a 20-side die to change the trajectory of Skylab. It's true to the spirit of all Wet Hot/Stella productions.

Ed Sheeran is good friends with Taylor Swift. OF COURSE he's a Lannister bannerman.

Leave Bowie out of this cash grab.

Of course Mike Love is gonna play this.

All the more reason for the people fighting for that cause to use their brains when they speak.

Right, "persona"

The Rock hall proves to be as boring as always.

leave Seinfeld out of this.

The "Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" of tv shows.

This is your contribution to the discussion.

At this point, a hipster means someone younger than whoever is calling someone a hipster.

Being the child of two successful artists, living in Brooklyn Heights, attend St. Ann's and being in the Times as a teenager would count as an extraordinary upbringing for 99.9% of the population. IF you know people who had an even better time and access to things growing up, cool. I'm not quite sure what point you

Well he certainly reads that way. I blame the Coen brothers for my incorrect assumption.

That would be the logical assumption. If you search the site, she appears a couple of times before Girls/Tiny Furniture.

I don't think I could be that specific if I was making things up.

She went to St. Ann's. Urban middle-class is underselling things.

The Ray/Marnie definitely makes sense. Never put it past a man to allow himself to be manipulated though sex by a conventionally attractive woman.

If the NYPD would have done that in 1973, they would have actually done that in 1973. Wouldn't Lou Reed or The Fugs or The Dolls or a thousand other bands have caught an obscenity charge if the NYPD was looking to do that. The Stones put out a song that year where the entire chorus was "starfucker" repeated.

The nebbish 30-something Jew allowing the conventionally attractive, fame-seeking, 20-something Wasp to manipulate him through sex and attention makes sense to me. One of the few things on the show that does, actually.

That sounds like quite the reach.