Spin Doctors

Yes, dilettantism and people in their 20s go hand in hand. I just wish there were consequences. The show would be better off for it.

It would be just as bad, Just switch out cocaine for heroin and Andy Warhol for Calvin Johnson.

If you look at the show as the work of a narcissist, it makes perfect sense.

Is auto tune that much worse than vari-speed?

Anytime anything happens to anyone on this show, they always cop-out and return to the norm.

I feel like the forced cunnilingus would be a much larger talking point had it happened outside of a lesbian sex scene.

I don't possess the math skills needed to calculate how little I have invested in Richie and Devon Finestra.

This show is garbage. For a show that's suppsoed to be about the thrill, vitality and excitment of rock n roll, it's all hangover and no high. You catch a glimpse of what the show could be for a second during the guitar store robbery, and then it's back to the sad sacks.

This show is about as realistic as "Friends"