One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?
One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?
I share your completely sincere assessment and totally believe that Facebook is definitely a different company and no longer cares about profit but only the good of the people. Absolutely. 100%.
What kind a music you play. (I used to be in a ska band)
As if our current administration would do anything for people they view as subhuman and terrorists.
Yeah. The only men - and I mean ONLY - that I would have a hard time coming to grips with would be my husband and my brothers. And then, I’d have to look at them suspiciously and skeptically. No knee-jerk defense, though. And anyone outside of that circle for me? I’ll literally believe it about nearly anyone.
this reminds me of that part in The Handmaid’s Tale where Serena Joy is forced to throw out the books SHE WROTE on conservative values because the culture that SHE CREATED does not allow women to read. these women are literally creating their own oppressors.
Ha yep that thing was awesome at the time.
IBM makes money selling hardware and software to companies that make the Internet work. It’s in their best interest to keep the Internet working, and a DNS server is a relatively small cost to ensure that.
Somehow I doubt your friend who is so uber-conscious of crossing lines with women that he refuses to be alone with them unless his wife is chaperoning was taken to HR solely for offering a woman a chair in a meeting. Sounds like there’s a lot of backstory there that doesn’t end with “and out of the blue, I get in…
I’ve never understood why Americans feel the need to adapt British/Irish/Australian/Kiwi shows and movies.
“unprofessional and immature behavior”
The Babadook
There’s such a thing as a bad pants wetting? If so, I have been seriously misled by the diaper fetish community.
I take it less to be a horror movie and more of a period piece character study. With a bitchin’ black goat.
Glad to see AMD back in the game. Intel needs the competition to keep the development work moving forward quickly..
That’s baffling! Charleston Chews are delicious!
I’m fairly certain those piles get bigger every year because they’re still displaying candy corn made in 1996.
Puerto Rico is calling. They want to compare apocalypses.
Drives me crazy, as an analyst. Data has value in application, and too many companies either demand data they do not apply, or demand data under misleading pretexts.