
The company i work for used to make a giant deal about people’s retirement. The person’s peers and managers - going back through their whole careers, (often their hiring manager would write a letter from whatever golf community they’d retired to), all would write letters of appreciation. These would be printed on

I’m super happy Nandor is going to be in this!

Not Swear Wolves!

Srsly...the irony of his racism is pretty epic. 

Totally agree. I my experience breathing oxygen is all the sexy most women need to generate to attract male attention. You don’t need to cripple your feet and slow my descent down as we go down a staircase during a fire drill (or a real disaster) with your ridiculous shoes. After 9/11 I’ll never wear anything but

I definitely experienced an uptick in happiness when I left facebook (about 10 yrs ago). I hated how the algorithms were limited who’s feed I’d see and the ads. It sounds like it has only gotten worse since I left. Allowing myself to have a very small online footprint allows me to browse and use the internet as I

I came here to post that video - thanks for beating me to it. He’s the best!

I love how crazy donks are. A coworker and I used to draw up fantasy donks to see who could be the most ridiculous. He won with his Preparation H donk.

If you are planting outside check to make sure you are throwing down invasive species. Your state agricultural extension office probably has a list of invasive they want you to avoid.

It’s not hard to deal with. It is a great way to tell who to ignore in the future ;-) 

There is no pleasing everyone when it comes to your clothes or your behavior.

I agree.

LOL exactly! I’d still just be a mope pushing pixels. Although to be honest, I like pushing pixels. I would have hated being a manager or exec. I definitely appreciate the facilitation that good managers provide. But, I like making things.

That’s what made me think this might be an inside job, or leak. 

Yes! I didn’t know anything about the film when I went to the theater to see it. Part way through, it struck me. Holy Cow! This is Jane Eyre turned inside out!

I’m having a hard time imagining Mr Bennett having hot pants - but i love trying. :-D

In the 1960s they were still stealing kids from their families to erase their culture identities. Jesus. This is history that needs to be talked about. We need to stop bleaching history.

dressed for work with their femininity on display”

I known! I love that crazy depopulation myth that is circulating. I’ve seen articles about how to vaccine is here to depopulate us, and that the virus is. LOL 

Just because younger people aren’t dying as frequently with the current version; doesn’t mean that a variant in the future won’t be more lethal to them. For instance, SARS (a covid virus) was notable because it was more lethal to young and middle aged adult than to elders or children.