Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.
Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.
How about ensuring the 3billion+ women get affordable BC and more access to abortion pills? Maybe that helps with your big overcrowded earth problem?
But do we really want to help 7+ billion people live longer, on a planet that’s fast becoming overcrowded? It’s a larger question, compared to what’s in the article, but I have to wonder.
Flake: Trump is an inhuman monster who is an existential threat.
Enough with the pleasant-trees!
Let’s get down to brass tax.
If having to offer basic health insurance kills jobs it would behoove those who are pro-business to argue for single payer public healthcare where there is no burden on the employer to offer health insurance.
My paternal grandfather was there. He liberated a French sail boat and sailed the unit he was with back to the UK. Got promoted up to sergeant for it.
I just wish they would have put in the Medway Queen into the background of the movie. She rescued 7000 men and managed to get 3 planes shot down while making the crossing 7 times.
I saw the live footage of the landing and him walking out. It was glorious. I was 5, but I was still excited.
If it’s any help, he was already embarrassing the US a full two decades before he became Presidon’t.
That was my first thought! Kid-free, car-free, nearly meat-free. Not because I’m on a diet and don’t like kids and can’t afford a car... but for selfless treehugging reasons!
Now I can pretend my choice to remain childless is because I’m a bold environmentalist and not because I can’t stand those little shits.
I’m a graduate (PhD) of an Ivy League where over 60% of the student body participates in Greek life. It was disgusting on so many levels. I had students who admitted outright that they weren’t able to study everyday because of their duties as pledges. They thought they would get more career opportunities down the line…
Note found in box:
Will they just open it and catalog what is inside already. I’m sure whatever is in there is not worth this much of a fight. Then once we discover it’s confederate money, a flag, a picture of Lee, and a pack of gum, they can fight over the one thing in there worth anything: the pack of gum.
No, they have to retire too. I will take no more Daniel Day Lewis movies, but only if I never have to see another Tom Cruise very serious action movie trailer.
I just watched the Keepers recently on Netflix. I think I can put together why.
It really helped me understand that 5 percent number when I heard someone say that the NRA is not an organization for gun owners but an organization for gun manufacturers.
I think he is more upset that we live in a system of checks and balances, and at least some element is actually doing that job instead of kissing his ass.
So perfectly relevant today. Hover your mouse over for the alt text, which made me smile out loud.