
I’d like for them to release all info on police brutality complaints and officer cam videos. 

Well said, Cap’n. We all need to grieve and then, I hope our inevitable rage will give us the energy to break down the structures that are trying to trap us in this place. BTW love your cereal.

Wukongopterus!! Literally Monkey King opterus! Love it

Sadly the deaths are not the only story here. Depression and financial ruin stalk people who had to deal with the virus themselves or in their family. We will be experiencing the repercussions for a while.

I’m prefacing my comment with the fact that I am not a health care professional. But, my understanding is that once you have the antibodies for a strain of flu, you have it for life. Each year that you get a vaccine for a new strain (whatever strain they are expecting to be trouble that year), the antibodies for that

I’m pro-sip. My parents would let us sip their martinis or beers - both giant yucks for me then. For special occasions we’d get a few ounces of wine mixed with water. This is was when we were 8-9+. We’re all in our 40s and 50s now. No problems with substance abuse and very little binging when we we were young adults.

Why is he allowed to do anything as president. He’s forfeited that honor. 

plus all the people who died from the Rona or lost their jobs because of a pandemic they did nothing to try to manage.

trump’s ego won’t let him resign. He’ll be dragged crying and screaming out of the white house like the ridiculous, spoiled baby he is.

Write, Call, Scream, Organize - let’s put the spotlight on these traitors and get them out of office. I don’t care who voted for them - they are traitors. We have the power if we step up. 

he’s a blowhard and a coward. 

Definitely I’d like to bar from running again - especially since he used running for office as an excuse to grift $$$ from weak minded people.

Now playing

TMBG is always appropriate. I suggest these ditties

I agree, impeachment is a slow process. Better to invoke the 25th amendment and remove him immediately. He is dangerous. 

I think it is even easier now since we are bombarded with info all day and hardly any time to follow up on any of it to see what is real and what is just rumor. Having said that - no forgiveness for these assholes or for all the individuals who have been licking Trump’s boots and spreading false rumors about the

We use that no-knead bread from a book by Jim Lahey (https://www.amazon.com/My-Bread-Revolutionary-No-Work-No-Knead/dp/0393066304). It is delish with great results and little effort or expertise. So yum.

I read an article, that postulated that some venus figures might be representations that pregnant women made of themselves from the perspective of looking down onto their bodies.

Betsy is right, many non-profits rely on grant money, and getting grants means writing grant applications. Looks like you’d be a valuable to many different non-profits with your skill set.

I know (I’m a bit of a cracker myself) Seriously, the name ought not to be offensive. I think the Washington Crackers would be hilarious. the mascot could be a giant Triscuit, the cheerleaders, could be called the Saltines.

i know - i just think it would be funny