
Oh, I thought they had recast her with a Chinese actress who specialised in astonishment.

Absolutely. This was a different Michael to the one we saw in the previous three seasons.

I thought the Thanksgiving Duck was pointless and unfunny. At least 'Hot Ham Water' had a basis in reality on which the comedy was slowly built. Even the Bluths, at their most stupid, wouldn't have put a live duck in an oven and hoped it would turn into roast duck.

Yes, but television isn't reading. It's an immediate medium. You're supposed to appreciate it *now*, while you're watching.

I've seen seven episodes once and I'm stunned. Hurwitz has mistaken complexity for humour. The old shows were funny and just happened to be complex because the humour was multi-dimensional, This new set are just complex which he thinks is in itself funny.

Yeah, they cancelled the only show people want to watch this evening for god knows why.

In case anyone hasn't seen this:

Also, I didn't enjoy it. The idea of those fifteen year old beautiful girls deciding they were in love with the fat nerds was crass wish-fulfilment.

Not so good eh? Oh well, you can never go back.

I got to the bit where the bride has a shit in the street and then thought: 'Actually, this *is* shit'.

Ed Helms. Bradley Cooper. Zach Galifikianis. Each one of these is pure poison to me and, in triplicate, they're toxic enough to wipe out the population of the earth. And yet, somehow, the movie going audience adore them.

I so agree. It's stunning how he;s managed to extend his man-boy schtick through three movies and 'Bored To Death'. The fat mugging fuck just sets my teeth on edge. And yet he's universally beloved.

I laughed outloud many times during the show.

She doesn't seem to have much on the tit front. Never mind, maybe she's funny.

Jesus, I never knew Sudeikis and Ed Helms were two different people.

A rapey lapdance!

He's by no fucking means good enough for the New Yorker. Every fucking review has to be turned into an exegesis of his contempt for entertainment spattered with tributes to his own political correctness. Meanwhile his successor is right here:

"Setting aside the rampant sexism, broad racial caricatures, and unfunny Mike Tyson cameos…."

I wonder if they will mention that Strummer's father was Mi6 Head of Station in Argentina?

Isn't this based on an original French comedy that, even for an original French comedy, was not funny?