
It is simply a personal theory. But there are many 'great' film-makers - by which I mean acclaimed by this or that critical group because of their political or cultural stance - who have never made a 'great' film and in fact make extremely bad films that people never dare say are bad. Jean-Luc Goddard is my case in


There are plenty of director who have made extremely slow films that are terrific - Kubrick's 2001 or Bresson's Diary of a Country Priest - but Tarkovsky, to me, just plods. There's not point, either stylistically or narratively for his pacing which, to my mind, suggests he doesn't know what he;s doing.

I was awake and alert through all of Solaris that I watched in one go without a break. That's a month in Siberia I'll never get back.


From your mother's pussy, I imagine.

Why not? Because I think Chelsea Clinton is a nasty, corrupt scion on a nasty, corrupt family? Don't be a cunt.

Tarkovsky is an excellent example of an artist whose works are so boring that that they must be good.

I don't know. Perhaps I caught it from your mother's pussy. There, happy now?

If I thought I had a chance with Chelsea Clinton, I would saw off my own cock.

Some have downright stated that he was married.

Gabe has no irises. His eyes are just blank whites.

My personal favourite dialogue: 'I'm not mentally ill if that's what you're implying'.

I think what I find most disgusting about her is not her looks which, frankly, aren't noteworthy either way, but the was she deflects people who ask her about her father's adultery while in the White House and his subsequent lying under oath as 'personal attacks'.

I don't know. Maybe I caught some flesh-eating bacteria from your mother's pussy. There, happy?

Ha ha. Her hideousness is an external reflection of the corruption of her loathsome parents. Deal.

I am not so enamoured of Catherine. She seems whiny and selfish. Do you think a Kennedy child would behave like that? Or that pumpkinhead with the horse teeth that the Clinton's spawned?

But the tits, will nobody think of the tits?

So we're only going to get *one* wedding? What bullshit.

Put the pie down, fatty, and get back to typing.