
I was talking to intelligent, erudite people. It just so happened that you overheard.

That's manifestly untrue and the fact that you believe it goes a long way to establishing you as a cretin. Try and get in to some kind of community college, perhaps with a mental disability scholarship. Good luck.

Thank you for that advice.

Dowd vs the AVC Community. Boy, what a choice of evils.

They come up with the premise at uproariously funny weed parties in expensive houses that go on all night and then, in the morning, they get their agent's PA to type it all up.

Anyway, the point is - thank god Wilfred is coming back. It's like the funny Arrested Development S4.

You mustn't say 'Jews'. The preferred nomenclature is 'Executive Producers'.

Dude, every other film in the world, from Citizen Kane to Pi, fits into one genre or other. Are you really saying this one doesn't?

From this review, I have no idea what kind of film this is. Is it a horror flick? A comedy? A character study?

I'm certainly glad that Franco's fifteen minutes of fame has reached its last grain of sand. His performance in The Great & Powerful Oz, where he played the Victorian showman as a dudish stoner, was overshadowed by Mila Kunis, for god's sake, and she's not exactly Sarah Bernhardt, bless her.

So this is the world of clumsy, fake viral marketing!

What? You mean no more films like this or Your Highness? But Jonah Hill just lost all that weight so he could become a sexy leading man like Apatow-protege Jason Segal!

And why not buy your Blue-Ray DVD of Green Hornet to go with it? You were wrong about it the first time around and now it's time to make up for your mistake with a one-time cash or credit card purchase.

And yet he was so ludicrously bad in The Sorceror's Apprentice.

Don't be such a wet flannel.

Well, if there's no need to be a dick, why are you being such a godawful twat? I mean, if you read your post in the voice of Edie McClurg, you'll see why you're such a cunt. Now fuck off. If you don't like what I say, go to a different thread or have a wank and cool off. But just stop going on and on because some guy

Be calm. No need to be hostile because my opnion of this movie and the minds behind it differs from yours. Do you have a stake in this film and that is why my small opinion on it so provokes you?

It does seem like a vanity project for over-entitled young actors. That's not likely to be a success (of course, Easy Rider proved that's not always the case).

Well, it's only one man's opinion. I don't feel it would be worthwhile trying to explain to you the definition of 'self-conflating'.
