
Season 4: Opener:

You're rather timid sexually, aren't you?

She's a lot more than that. The fact that you remember her in that nothing of a part shows just how good she can be.

Good. Now you're getting it.

And yet she's never 'broken through'. I hope she does soon.

Yeah, that bugged me, especially since Soren is a perfectly valid Scandinavian name and I thought it referred to some Finn we hadn't met yet.

If only she didn't leave such a smoke trail behind.

I remember when The Usual Suspects was thought of as a cinematic masterpiece. Then about six months after viewing it, you suddenly think: 'Hang on, what was the point of it all again?'.

What are you talking about? Hemingway was the archetype of a 'literary type'.

Where the hell have all you Finns come from all of a sudden? It would have been nice if you'd been around from 1945-90 when the Free World was confronting the Warsaw Pact but, oh no, you were nowhere to be seen then.

I think what she gave was an uncannily good impersonation of other nations would think of as Finnish. Rather than yer actual Finish.

Her great go-to comedic look is saying something absolutely mad and then looking at you as if you had just said something mad and she can barely refrain from guffawing in your face.

If only he didn't get pushed around so much by cruel, strong women. I wonder if he ever blurts out to the Vice-President: '…Yes, mother'.

He he. Foley rolled that phrase around his mouth like a marble meandering down a bowling alley.

It's not his fault you're so stupid you've never heard of him - or the Times Literary Supplement evidently. Why not Google them both?

And remember, you gave the world the word 'Findlandisation' when your President was a KGB agent for so long.

Oh it's shit. Still, not as bad as Parks & Rec's become.

" it was legitimately treated as the upsetting violation it was."

She should have let him finger her right then and there in the bushes.

I suppose he must have a rally soon otherwise, what's the point of having Gary Cole in the part? He didn't murder his wife and children and blame it on some hippies to have this nothing of a role.