
It did. Specifically, they kept Danielle S/ho for some sidequests, they kept the retrofuturism from Option 3 along with the human experiments, they kept the fading monster men from Option 3 and the fake world and helpful AI.

Usually it on that shared console/table between you and the person next to you.

I also caught the pancake line immediately, but my reasoning was that he’d be a party member later on, and had somehow already acquired his Persona in the past, leading him to be investigating this distorted reality through actual detective skills in the real world. I figured out he was no good, however, when he told

Seatguru can help. It has the outlet locations for most aircraft at the major airlines.

Oh not at all. It’s depicted as a slow slide, and he’s shown to have many, many chances to turn around and reverse course. But every time he doubles down on it and makes things worse. Usually backed up by Wonder Woman, who ends up generally agreeing that a brutal dictatorship is the way to go. It all makes a sort of

The pancake thing was so obvious I thought it was going to be some kind of double twist. With the addition of the log for chat I was even able to scroll up and double check that nobody else mentioned pancakes besides Morgana too.

I too caught it right away. I then proceeded to show my fiancee by opening the log, and playing the logs back to back.

I was on a flight where they were on the legs of the seat.

yeah pretty much this... they say this flight includes USB or chargers, and I am pretty sure not at my seat...

Seriously. Why can’t they just decide on a common position for them for all steeragecoach seats so that I don’t have to hunt around for it.

Breath of the Wild came out this year, so yeah good luck with that. Great game though easily 10/10

My Slack posts upon going through that scene:

Is this ultimately a Lifehacker article about how to use a pre-installed hook?

Same here, I knew it from the beginning. But Akechi kept explaining himself every time he did something that seemed off. So every single time, I was like : “Maybe he is a good guy after all, he is just very smart. BUT THE PANCAKES!”

That’s why I never quite settled with him and was suspicious. It was obvious from that moment he wanted something more than he was saying.

Love that this is what’s dominating conservative news today. You can smell the desperation.

P5 is a serious GOTY contender EASY. considering its at like a 94 metacritic rating, Fantastic world sales figures, and constant praises from pretty much everyone on the internet. Its the only competition to Zelda:BotW for GOTY. I also think Nier is potential GOTY candidate but its hard to tell.

Nope within the first couple days I had it figured for goty

Certainly not. In fact, I already did.

I feel that this was out of character even for Superman. Especially when you realize that in Kingdom Come the Joker did the exact same thing and Supes didn’t kill him. An Anti-Hero and parody of Marvel’s Cable called Magog did that.