
It's a valid interpretation but the show didn't stick the landing. By the end, Danny doesn't process his anger in a clear and satisfying way. It gets hand-waved away with something about "I've been here before". What did that even mean?

The show (I believe unintentionally) makes me draw a parallel between Danny's and Harold's behaviour. Back from the dead again, Harold's anger is portrayed as unsettling.

Oh god, yes. Everyone only spoke in vague generalities.

I understand that, but the tinge of violence in it, the fact that he can punch through walls, makes me think Claire should take a step back and wonder if this guy will completely lose control one day. When Davos "loses control", he is just getting emotional, has an actual point to argue (not just a variation of "no,

Every time I start getting a little used to Danny and try to see him as a confused kid, he lashes out - grunts, slams the table, loses control, "no, my plan doesn't suck!" - and I roll my eyes again.

It's the dual-tones combined with the curls.

Netflix created the "Skip Intro" just for this

I genuinely thought she was going to say: "You should teach Danny to do that"

He can be the Jerry Gergich.

The lead of this show is a man-child.

How do we know that's not just an excuse Jones is hiding behind?

If I were a parent at that pre-school, I'd vote for Petra. Jane would expect me to volunteer for *everything*.

Jay claimed that Zoom stole his speed, but he lied.

But Zoom doesn't know how to steal speed - he needed Harrison Wells for that.

Oh, this makes sense to me.

Well, Barry inherited all the Star Labs patents and he pays them.

Jones in the Fast Lane.

Now that Carter is gone, she's the new Jerry.

Apart from all the returning characters (which I really enjoyed), it was good to have a break from blindly confronting Damien Darhk and losing.

Well, can't say you're missing out.