
My guess/hope:

Vicky looks like she is gonna be a wild card. I can see her going rogue or snitching on Michael if she keeps feeling sidelined. Also cant tell if she has a crush on Chidi or if she is just lusting for the great role she lost.

Plus, the way she keeps obediently popping up whenever anyone says “Janet” continues to be deployed with impeccable comic timing.

Yeah, “I’m vexed, [person], vexed!” was forking great in all of its incarnations

I definitely think Michael will end up working with the humans to save his own life, because he’s already used up his second chance.

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Hey Dennis,

I got momentarily excited at Donnas house that Tonya was Donnas new drinking buddy for work .....but then that dinner scene was better than anything I could have imagined. I love when this show makes me laugh despite everything going down in flames.

Making Haley the lynchpin of this season’s arc is rather brilliant, even if it veers too close to “This time it’s personal.” She has already won me over (very impressive after only a handful of scenes), and it raises the stakes beyond just chasing the next big idea. I’m really curious how it’ll play out, since I can’t