
Flash and Arrow share that hospital room set right? I feel like we're here every week.

And Jessica was right not to want another hero who could be mind-controlled. First Murdock would nod as if he gets it, then he'd be surprised at the reality of Kilgrave's powers, then he'd attack Jessica.

Trish was the best friend a superhero can hope for. She pushed Jessica to look beyond her cynical tendencies and be a hero while keeping her well-being in mind.

As much as I liked Daredevil, I'm glad he didn't appear. Jessica didn't need any guilt-tripping about killing Kilgrave.

The explanation for everyone's else's powers is sciency - Jessica had an accident, Luke was part of an experiment, etc etc. I suppose they could have left it vague, but then they have the scientist parents.

Well, worse than Kilgrave in the sense she's annoying to watch as a viewer.

If Kilgrave controls people through a virus, it makes sense that Jessica would become immune after prolonged contact. She "heals faster than most".

The whole Robin story line has felt like pointless filler.

Maybe there is some wiggle room for Clara here because she didn't run and faced the Raven. That alien earlier complained "why do they always run?". The Doctor never checked her body, just left her there. A tiny possibility.

You can if you have Cisco's telepathy-cancelling earphones.

Same here. What did his line about "Drink carefully Quentin" mean? Is he going to slip him a yellow pill?

Also he was against cleaning up Star City Bay.

They already tricked him once and overdosed him with drugs (which must be sore point given his history). The Flash team had enough reason to think Grodd would not believe them and they would lose the element of surprise.

I'm not anti-WestAllen, but my Dad has ruined it for me. I got my parents to watch Flash and he kept referring to Iris as Barry's sister.

But is the character so smug and annoying or is it just the actor? Weasel-y like Shia LaBeouf.

I liked how that list targeted rich white collar criminals.

Is he a villain in the comics? I've never read anything starring Supergirl (Any suggestions?). Effective villains should have something appealing about them.

I'm glad Maxwell Lord wasn't in this episode - he's an uber-annoying mishmash of Dr Harrison Wells and Tony Stark. Every time he was on screen the last episode, I wanted someone to sucker punch him.

So much yes. I kept waiting for more Lawless the whole episode.

That demon was very Guillermo del Toro