
Future-Amy: "…I time-travelled from six years in the future"
Present-Amy: "How does that work?"
Future-Amy: "I don't know, how does electricity work? You just pay for it."

"awfully naïve about why people would go on TV to find love" - Agree. Athena is the only cynical one so far.

"But there are presumably complex, if not pure motivations for wanting to participate in a reality competition like Everlasting"

Me too.

Oh yeah! 'Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality'. That was a good episode.

I guess that's a win.

The only flaw is that Britta didn't get a sincere send-off. What does she really hope for in the future? I feel S3's 'Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts' was the last time we got Britta's point-of-view. And *maybe* a few scenes with her parents this season.

It feels like it's been a while since we saw the gang just hang out and have fun. I hope there's more footage of the Celebrity-Garett Wedding game.

I wanted to point this out too. An Indian playing a Pakistani character and vice-versa is not racially insensitive.

Ohhhh…that would have been so cool. And then it'd veer to sad when he left. For the best really.

He's playing a half *Palestinian* guy. Not Pakistani.

I did like him in the beginning and I was excusing the creepiness as missteps. And then they brought in the dead fiancé - here, Palmer, enjoy your pre-chewed backstory. Everything about him started to feel like cliches or whatever the plot demanded him to be at that point.

Couldn't help but laugh and point at Rory.

I like Olicity, but they took too big a leap from stolen glances to love-you-forevers between the season 2 and 3. How awkward was that sex scene?

Time travelers can do two shows.

The Flash setup episodes were great, loved 'em. (Also glad it was limited to 2 epsiodes) And I agree there isn't any limited amount of "goodness" to go around…. so, ok, yeah, can't blame Palmer. The show did struggle with integrating him. Ended up hurting the character a bit.

Dead, not murdered right? No one to take revenge on.

Dismantling the League is probably not a good idea because Damien Darhk will swoop in. Nyssa as Ra's al Ghul would be an ally of sorts.

Maybe it was the weight of launching spinoffs.

Ahem…Nyssa, Tatsu, Thea and a resurrected Sarah.