
Well, John Barrowman will never die/age. Again.

Why didn't Oliver give the mantle of Ra's al Ghul to Nyssa? Double cross Merlyn and give him up to Nyssa.

The song choice and editing was weird, but I'm cautiously optimistic based on what I saw.
1. No murdered parents.
2. No OTP who's in the dark about Supergirl's secret identity
3. An optimistic hero like The Flash (I guess it's easy to be less angsty when bullets bounce off you)

I'm just going to pretend the kidnapping didn't happen - till S2.

Eddie is Helen of Troy - his smile can launch a thousand ships. And he smiled at Caitlin.

Would the meta-power-dampner work on Barry and Eobard Thawne? I kept expecting that Barry would be lured inside that truck and temporarily lose his powers.

They never showed what Captain Cold brought to the table. His sister has a license to drive a truck…ok, what else? I thought he'd use his ultra-precise heist planning skills in some way.

Found it hard to laugh at that tag too.

I especially missed Shirley this episode. Remember her reaction to Abed's meta-ness in 'Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples'? Joshua has a good point about Community losing its diversity of voices.

With all the casting news, I made the mistake of reading the Civil War series. Wow. I hate Iron Man now.


I'm primed to read the Daredevil comics now. Any suggestions?

His IMDb photo is also a bit of surprise. Looks like his younger brother.


What did you think of Cox's American accent?

I was surprised at that too. Black Canary <cringe>.

Karen's priorities according to Wesley:
1. Ben Urich
2. Foggy Nelson
3. Matt Murdock
n+1. unknown friends and family

Good point about the parallels between a crime story hero and a supercrime superhero. Hadn't thought about it that way - only that Karen killed someone and Matt did not.

I need some Rosario Dawson too. But not necessarily at the cost of Karen. What would it be like if Claire and Karen met?