
Having these three episodes (10-12) together slow down the momentum of the series. A lot of crappy things happen to our heroes (and our favourite villains!) and it isn't balanced by humour as Oliver said. Even the happy memories of avocados fade.


They were. Really stood out.

Wesley has the worst luck with guns. Pay someone else to do it, Wesley!

It was a cockup the last time he had a gun too. Fisk told him to finish Daredevil and he let him get away.

Wesley has had these flashes of arrogance that break through his otherwise meticulous and careful nature. And he's already expressed what he thinks of Karen with his "Do they all work for you when you get them off for murder or just the pretty ones?" in episode 3.

"Growing to love something is really…simply forgetting slowly what you dislike about it" - James Wesley

Yup, ninja suit looks better.

But I also want to see Matt in his office shirt and red glasses being quiet-authoritative. Woof.

It's weird to go from "Yay! Great new show" to "Oh shit, is there going to be a Season 2?" in the span of a week.

There's a scene in episode 10 where Foggy and Murdock meet for the first time in college and Foggy is registering for Fall 2010 classes.

Foggy's not crushing on Matt, he wants to be Matt!

Yeah, Nobu's blueprints/maps

Well, now I have a question about his blindness - Can he read? Does he feel the ink off the paper?

She better not become a journalist.

Geeky glasses of youth. And Foggy had a wig of youth.

At least, they didn't have the female lead (or Foggy) be obsessed with the superhero and his secret identity.

He looked up to Matt and followed him out of a cushy life to "save the world". But now he finds out Matt works outside the law? Unsettling, for sure.

It really is super cute! And more smiling in this episode than all the others combined.

Gao's out of his league.