
But Matt went to law school in 2010.

How did Delphine make Ferdinand back off? Didn't understand that.

Foggy was really broken up over Cardenas' death this episode. Hard not to feel for the guy.

He's charming and downright adorable in Truly Madly Deeply (1990)…but he doesn't have a great *life*.

He got a lot of those moments this episode - especially the spinning dread Matt feels when he's about to be introduced to Fisk sans mask.

Wesley: He…doesn't care for the accommodation.
Nobu: <side-eye> Mis-speak my words again, and I will have your tongue.
Wesley's amused expression at this is the best!

Matt has been pretty casual about mooks in need of medical attention.

I know, but it seems like it takes work. And possibly Stick-style meditation.

I'm kinda impressed by the pace of these reviews.

Claire, like Matt, has the urge to stick her neck out and help people. She didn't have to drag an injured masked man back to her apartment - it would be reasonable to call the police. Matt gets that and he trusts her. Claire even shows a similar tendency towards violence when she suggests stabbing the trigeminal nerve.

How old is Matt Murdock here? He was 9 when he met Stick and Stick has been gone 20 years. So 29-30?

Maybe Wesley is the cunning mastermind.

Murdock cares about the people while Fisk cares about the idea of a perfect city. If Fisk could, he would raze it all down to create Disneyland and recruit the right kind of people to live there. So, it doesn't make sense (to me) that Murdock keeps mouthing the words "save my city". He should counter Fisk's "my city"

He power naps.

Karen's the only one with her own story line.

Karen definitely likes Matt. But Matt is just friendly and flirty in a distracted way.

Apparently, they did a lot of chemistry tests after casting Charlie Cox. That paid off.

Maybe that location has some build-up of magic or alignment of ley lines or something.

I don't think she was being bitchy at all. Both of them were just freaking out.

That's too far away! Even the second season of this isn't confirmed. Maybe I shouldn't have binged this.