
I see mention of Trails game, I come to comments to talk about how OD the series is. Very excited for Cold Steel IV. Let’s gooo.

Every time Gono goes to an event the reaction people give him is so priceless.

I wrote a piece with some similar ideas for my school newspaper back in Journalism school (I focused more specifically on the experiences of second gen African diaspora like myself) and have always wanted a more thought out feature style piece in this vein. Thanks for the read!

I was in the pool that was affected by this (didn’t get to replay any sets since it was only a later portion of the pool that was affected and I caught a vicious 0-2 record) and actually ran into him outside the venue .

This was an absolutely awesome read.

What’s funny is she’s actually the biggest trash talker in our scene. But then she took a tourney and was so stoked, she went extra Canadian on us

My man! Miss ya dude!

Also, shout out DeathToScrubs, Nashu and Baozer chillin’ in the back 😂

The soul of the Ottawa scene is money matches paid out in loonies and toonies 😂

I’m one of the assistant T.O.s for the Ottawa scene (Mehtagame is the main dude) and was commentating this set with Rich.

I did a Gunpla stream tonight because of this comment



Hey all, console gamer here looking for some help. I’ve always had good PCs for video editing and stuff but I would only game on PC if there was a really good deal, so I normally stick to consoles. So basically, I’ve never installed a mod before. I got NIER on PC (for some reason) and i’m just wondering if there would

I loved this game so much back in the day it inspired me to sample one of its main themes and make my first beat ever/record over it. I’ve come a long way since then but whenever I think about it I get the ole warm fuzzies.

I loved Chris G in Rogue One

Horny Casino.

Mans said VICIOUSLY 😂😂😂

Oh my god why don’t I watch wrestling

This comment is V 2016 thank u