
Major Nelson EASILY could have been like “Grow Up, People” and that would be a callous lame response. I mean, it was a very obviously non racially motivated email and I hope people weren’t actually offended, but the fact he was willing to say “Yeah I see how people could feel some type of way, oops, our bad” shows

This is far too pure for the world

Only as an ebook unless you grab a copy from him at a tourney. But still, yeah should be a good read! I can’t wait to get mine.

I’ll be attending Canada Cup as press and i’d be so geeked to get some good snaps like that. (Photography isn’t my strongest suit, but sometimes I get lucky.)

Daigo is an inspiration. Can’t wait to get his book at Canada Cup!

About to sigh aggressively for 6 hours straight

I’ve never been more proud tbh

Devastation was sooooo good. I really hope people that weren’t sure about it before take a chance on it.

Now playing

“My backpack anime, the xbox with the glock cocked? That’s anime.” - Soulja Boy

Great piece of journalism. Great writing about a timely issue.

Just like you probably wouldn’t want to watch a bad documentary that dealt with important issues, I think it’s totally okay to want to know if a game that deals with important issues is fun to play.

It took me a while to get this joke. Well played.

If Final Fantasy VII was the game that taught me what games could be and made me fall in love, then Star Ocean 3 was the game that took that love and absolutely shaped me.


Okay, this is something I didn’t know I wanted and now I want it so bad.

Nooo don’t do this. I’m bad at choices. I’ll really like both systems. Do I have to keep switching as the game goes on? -_- stupid indecisiveness. Go back to telling me what to do, video games.

I regularly check AniTay (they’ve featured like 3-4 things I wrote haha). Love it.

Yo fam, I already read these haha. Damn, the comments section is a small place haha.

Shout out this guy for respecting the last Super Arc. I’ve had such a tough time convincing my friends who abandoned the show early that it’s super awesome now (haha... “super” awesome)

You’re the hero we all need/deserve