
Regardless of what you did, this is not how people treat each other. You are worthy of being loved and respected, and an affair is no excuse for abuse. Nothing is. Much love, I hope things get better for you soon.

TA-NEHISI COATES WROTE YOUR NAME!!! So proud :’-) Also thank you for your work, you taught me so much!

doing the lord’s work


This is so important and I’d like it cross stitched on a pillow.

I admittedly don’t know shit about nothing, but I’m here to tell you that this is a 100%, bomb safe, fire proof case of Not Your Fault. No no no no no not your fault. Is not, never has been, will never be.

Hahaha ILU!

I don’t even know what to say. I feel sick. Poor, poor Iana. I hope her family and friends will be able to find peace at some point. Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t even imagine.

Oooooh I saw this one a week ago and loved it, without no connection to Ireland at all! Such a sweet little fairytale. :) And the music was actually good! Me and muy group met again the next day and spet the whole evening listening to “The riddle of the model” :D

Well, but now you’re immortal. You bathed in the dragon’s fire. Nothing can ever happen to you.

For the past year there has been a guy with such a big crush on me that he couldn’t get out words and could only stammer when he tried to talk to me.

I’m late, but may I recommend you copy+paste what you wrote and send it to www.captainawkward.com? She is truly awesome, very clearsighted and I was often particularly impressed with the advice she gives about dealing with narcissists. Also you might find useful things in the archives.

Well, but that wouldn’t even be you, right? Or maybe I read it wrong...anyway, I think simply being an introvert/misfit is completely different from specifically not liking other women, which is a very special type of female misogyny that I too find very irksome. You know, that “I don’t like other women, they’re too

Don’t say that. :) My grandmother met her best friend when she was in her fifties. Life is so rich...

That’s super okay. Not everyone is made for “squads”. I feel the same way.

Hnnnng always with the stupid question!!! I’m one of four sisters and was in an almost all-female class in high school for a few years, and the number of times people have asked me how I could stand the drama...very well, thank you, because there was none?! I love my sisters to death, we are very affectionate with

I mean. Just two days ago, some dude:

I think the problem people have with blaming the other woman is not necessarily that she should feel ok with doing that but that it’s always heavy on the slutshaming. A man who slept with a married woman NEVER gets this kind of vitriol.

Hi Aimée, this is gonna get buried but maybe you’ll read it anyway: Could you guys please please pretty please bring the Pissing Contest back? I and many others miss it sorely! :(

Much like still waters run deep, so do heavily tattooed, brat-stached piss boys like Justin Bieber.