
I’ve been on Jalopnik for its complete 15 year existence and this is in the running for the dumbest post I’ve ever seen on here.

I realize it’s a Friday before a holiday weekend, but are reviewing and debunking tiktok videos the new norm for Jalopnik?

Typically only if a) there are sales tax issues or b) there are liquor issues.

They’ll recover them, refurbish them and sell them at a discount of just $5,000 over MSRP.


FTFY. You’re welcome.

Has the entire right side of the US political spectrum just become “everyone grifting each other”?  It seems really weird.  That money has to come from somewhere, right?

You underestimate the power of white GoFundMe.  She’s going to get rich off of this. 

Bullshit. Bonds are also put in place when and individual is a danger to him or herself or a danger to society. Discharging a firearm in public is a danger to the community. Shooting at a child makes you a danger to the community.

A person following state law shouldn’t piss a cop off, that is the problem.  They are supposed to uphold the law, not decide what the law actually is. 

I’ve been told that if I’m within my rights to drive (slowly with hazards on) to the police station if I don’t feel comfortable stopping where the lights go on.

The fact that you think your behavior is what we SHOULD do when a cop flips their lights on is part of the problem. I don’t blame you for it, but victim blaming this woman for doing what she’s supposed to do according to the state’s own guidance and then falling back on your own fucked-up, traumatized reaction to

You think someone deserves to get PIT’d because they wanted to find a safe spot to pull over?

Most of this is not really about bagged vs. bagless at all. A lot of it is just about buying a good vacuum cleaner vs. a shitty one.

except they DO work for US. we pay their fucking salaries ostensibly so they will keep our roadways safe. you can nitpick all you want, but if your salary is coming out of my taxes, you fucking work for me. and this cop should be executed by firing squad for being a fucking asshole.

Highway Patrol officers are public servants and are funded through taxation, so they work FOR the population. whether or not they have accountability does not negate the aforementioned fact.

Did you see the lie in this article? It referred to Burger King food as “delicious.” It’s not. No fast food is delicious.

For the few people reading this site old enough to remember Seinfeld doing this exact bit like thirty years ago:

Don’t burn the stuff. The resulting smoke can carry the irritant. It’s much worse for you on the inside.

Another bad thing about poison ivy (and oak and sumac) is that they are sensitizers. That is, the more you are exposed to them, the more sensitive you become and the worse your reaction to each exposure. That’s why some people only need to be in the area to break out or have a reaction.