
I keep trying to figure out how the security guard would even be able to explain this? With all the other horrific incidents, I could at least guess what would be the used justification, but here even that feels impossible. The only thing I could come up with is that the security guard thinks that his authority

You’ll do nothing, not today, not tomorrow— just as you did nothing yesterday. Your bravado is embarassing, as well as misplaced. Trump has separated kids from their families, attempted to ban Muslims, but another nasty tweet is your dealbreaker? 

I ... I mean what the actual fuck?! 

You dont seem to understand that you are as awful a person as any MAGA hat wearing person. We don’t need people like them or like you.

Who gives a fuck about these cunts?

Trump is a unhinged, catastrophically stupid, worthless, weak, insecure bigot.

What a lot of vegetarians fail to realize is that the fresh vegetables in that salad are actually fare more expensive than the cheap as shit frozen chicken breast they throw on top.   

Your list is excellent.

the easy explanation is “gas leak,” the other is somebody in Eden tried to eat from the Tree of Knowledge

You can be vegetarian and wear leather. If she claimed she was vegan then that’s another story.

I asked for my meal without bell peppers. Can I get $5 off please?

Or, if you’re just in it to mess with people’s heads put a sign “Free or Best Offer” on it, and watch them get really confused.

Savory oats are the way to go. I cook mine by adding rolled oats to already-boiling water. While cooking, I skim off the goop that rises to the center, and I take the oats off the stove the oats turn to mush. This yields a boiled individual grains more like quinoa or wheat berries than a gloppy “meal”. They have a

I don’t know if it would necessarily help with the fishy smell, but to clean my dishwasher now and then and freshen it up I run an empty load with a single packet of unsweetened Kool-Aid lemonade in the soap compartment. It’s basically powdered citric acid and does a decent job of cleaning the interior.

I don’t know if it would necessarily help with the fishy smell, but to clean my dishwasher now and then and freshen

It is no longer that price. Also, the seller had a 25% review score, with most people saying he never actually delivered their items. I would check that kind of thing before posting it as a deal.

It is no longer that price. Also, the seller had a 25% review score, with most people saying he never actually

I know this is an unpopular opinion here in the Kinjaverse, but... Just act like a professional, and treat them as you would any other customer.

Isn’t this a lot like refusing to decorate cakes for occasions you don’t approve of, or refusing to dispense birth control for religious reasons?

Bandwidth costs money, as do servers. The simple math is that a customer who streams from a service for 100 hours in a month costs more than one who doesn’t stream at all. When Netflix releases a show, they don’t care how many people watch except as it increases the visibility of the show to non-subscribers because

At least we’re beyond the age of having to remove the mouse ball and cleaning it.

The lid thing reminds me of the people who don’t wash the bottom of their plates. Like, do you not stack your plates when you put them away? Do you have the luxury of spreading them out ever so that the bottom of one plate never touches the top of the other? I mean, I don’t want to eat off of dirty plates one way or

The lid thing reminds me of the people who don’t wash the bottom of their plates. Like, do you not stack your plates